It’s time again for CALMet Online. We had the pleasure of having you enrolled in 2014, and would like to offer you again an opportunity to join and participate in this year event – CALMet Online 2016. You are also very much welcome to share this opportunity with your colleagues and we again enjoy the pleasure of traveling together as communities in this worldwide training tour.
This 2016 event will consist of eight short sessions. The whole event will span between May and October.
In May, the event will begin with some shared webinars with the WMO Train the Trainers course for RA III and RA IV. The event will close in October with a shared online session with Eumetcal Workshop participants.
In between these shared sessions you will have an opportunity to participate in six specific sessions for CALMet Onliners only.
Here is the tentative list of this year CALMet offerings:
1. WMO Train the Trainers – WMO Train the Trainer course instructors.
2. Gamification – Brad Snyder (EC, Meteorological Service of Canada).
3. A Review of the Australian VLab Centre of Excellence National Himawari 8 Training Campaign: Achievements and Challenge – Bodo Zeschke (Bureau of Meteorology, Australia).
4. CALMet Moodle Course – Mustafa Adiguzel (WMO), Patrick Parrish (WMO), Luciane Veeck (VLab), Vesa Nietosvaara (EUMETSAT).
5. Using a new plug-in for Moodle to build a Meteorology Simulation – Brendan Kilshaw (UK Met Office), Jodie Ramsdale (UK Met Office), Ian Mills (EUMETSAT).
6. How to make a competency assessor more competent at assessing – Alexandru Hozoc (Romatsa), Claudia Faccani (ENAV), Paul Bugeac (Romatsa), Phil Merritt (UK Met Office), Tony Tighe (Met Eireann).
7. Online Experimentation: Emerging Technologies and Internet Of Things – Alexey Umnov, N. I. Lobachevsky (State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Russia), Ricardo Costa (Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal), Vladimir Chukin and Eduard Podgaiskii (Russian State Hydrometeorological University, St Petersburg, Russia).
8. Education and training response to the future role of meteorologists – Alessandro Chiariello and Lisa Haga (Eumetcal).
We sincerely hope to see you taking part in this 2016 event and the sessions you find interesting and useful for your work. For more information:
the article on CALMet Commons at or
kindly enroll yourself directly at
Looking forward to seeing you in the event !
Best regards,
Roro Yuliana Purwanti – Vesa Nietosvaara
Co-chairs for CALMet Online 2016